How To Adjust a Professional Easel
Posted By: eluckstead; Category: Arts, Crafts & Hobbies; June 24, 2009
Author E Luckstead; Tags: Easel;
Here is a step by step instruction on how to adjust a professional easel. What is a easel you ask? An easel is an upright support used for displaying and/or fixing something resting upon it. It is most often used to hold up a painter's canvas or large sketchbook while the artist is working or to hold a completed painting for exhibition.
Loosen screws on each side of easel frame.
Loosen screws on each side of easel frame.
Adjust easel frame angle. Tighten screws.
Loosen screw in center of upper bar of easel frame, freeing the "mast."
Raise the mast.
Set a canvas or pad of paper on the bottom canvas holder.
Lower the top canvas holder to grip the top of the canvas or pad securely.
Tighten the screw.
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