Ten Tips To Make a Solo Yet Memorable Travel
Posted By: ava; Category: Parenting, Family & Relationships; November 1, 2008
Author Ava A.;
Who says traveling in your own is not fun at all? It is! Here is your complete guide to a fun-filled solo travel. Pack these up in your bags and we guarantee you a wonderful memory!
Don’t plan too much. Backpacking and spontaneity is a lot of fun. Just relax and go with the flow. As long as you’ve secured a place to spend the night with, everything will come easy.
Pack light. Don’t bring too much stuff. You’re backpacking so if you’ll bring a load of your stuff, you’d be likely carrying them for long hours.
Bring your travel essentials. Keep yourself safe. Bring a first aid kit, some medicines and ID’s.
Bring a camera. Capture sceneries. You may be on your own but that doesn’t stop you from posing with the beautiful spots of your destination.
Bring your mood music. Listening to your favorite music will give you instant company.
Buy a map. Once you’re in your destination, buy a map and study it.
Find the destination by yourself. If you’ve reserved a hotel, avoid taking a cab. Instead, take the public transport. Ride the subway and look for your hotel by yourself.
Talk to locals and eat with them. Food can bring camaraderie. Get a taste of the local’s culture. Talk to them. If you have more time, eat with them.
Forget work. Don’t think too much about your work or about your responsibilities at home. You’re on a vacation so just relax.
Make a scrap book. Finally, print your pictures and make a scrap book of your solo travel! Every time you’ll look at it, you’re sure to be reminded of the wonderful time you’ve had.
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