How To a Maintain a Healthy Relationship
Posted By: ava; Category: Parenting, Family & Relationships; November 4, 2008
Author Ava A.;
Finding someone to love you back is a beautiful experience so when you find the perfect mate, you would only do everything to keep the relationship. Here are tips to a healthy and long-lived relationship.
Be realistic with your expectations. Accept the fact that your partner cannot be everything you want him to be. Times will come when he will disappoint us.
Take time to talk with each other. Whenever you feel the need for a talk, be there for him. Listen. Ask questions. Share your thoughts and compromise.
Be flexible. A healthy relationship allows growth and accepts change.
Take care of yourself. You don’t please your partner BECAUSE you feel so loved by him. You love yourself because you want to please him and please yourself in the long run.
Be dependable. If you make plans, always follow through.
Fight fairly. It is very normal in a relationship to disagree over something. During arguments, attack the problem and not the person.
Be warm. A lot of studies have proved that warmth is highly valued among relationships. A healthy relationship has so much emotional warmth.
Balance your life. Don’t pour all your time on your partner. Focus on your work. Take time to meet with your friends. You only get the real satisfaction from a relationship after you have fully satisfied yourself.
Your whole relationship is a process. You can’t have everything you want in an instant. Sometimes, you can’t even have it at all. Everything comes in slowly through long talks and deep understanding.
Be yourself. Don’t be your partner’s partner. Retain yourself and stand for it through your relationship.
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