How To Avoid The Paranoid Girlfriend Syndrome
Posted By: ava; Category: Parenting, Family & Relationships; November 7, 2008
Author Ava A.;
Trust is a major element in a relationship. Without which, a relationship can easily falter. Trust; however, can be very difficult to give especially if you’ve had trust issues in the past. Below are 10 helpful tips on how to learn to trust to your partner.
Don’t ask too much. Asking too much is a big sign of your trusting weakness. This is a blatant situation that shows your mistrust to your partner.
Keep yourself busy. Understand the fact that he cannot be with you all the time. You need to respect him and his own space for his family, his work or school, his friends and the like – the same way that you should give respect to yourself. Focus on the things that you need to do. This is also a very effective strategy to lessen the paranoia.
No stalking please. When you stalk, you are simply taking his privacy off him. This, too, is another sure indication of your mistrust.
Don’t read his inbox. Give him space. Don’t hold him by the neck. Reading his inbox does not only make you an invader of his privacy, you also become an invader to the privacy of his friends.
Let him be where he wants to be. For a relationship to completely grow, individual growth has to be achieved first. A healthy relationship withstands “change.” After all, “change” is an inevitable given.
Don’t generalize. Trusting someone may be a very difficult thing to do especially if you’ve had trust issues. To be fair; however, you need to understand that every person is unique and he cannot be like exactly everybody.
Appreciate yourself. Finding self contentment in what you do simply lessens your insecurity. When your insecurity is gone, your paranoia can be easily treated.
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