How to have smart kids
Posted By: ava; Category: Parenting, Family & Relationships; November 8, 2008
Author Ava A.;
Child development starts inside the mother's womb. And whether it's nature or nurture – there will always be the basic tips which have proven to help kids healthier and wizards of the future.
Eat healthy food for brain development while you’re pregnant. Make it a habit to eat a balanced diet all the time. Take vitamins. A healthy eating habit will help develop your baby's brain and psycho motor senses.
Smile. Keep it light all the time. Stop worrying too much. Take off emotional bundles from your back. Find time to smile. Once pregnant, your focus should be on the baby and no longer on other factors like work or the like.
Give him healthy food. As much as possible, avoid giving your baby processed foods. If you can feed him with natural and nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables, the better.
Take your toddlers to the park. During the toddler stage, your kids will begin to socialize. Take them out to the park so he could meet up with other kids his age. Give him time to play around and talk to other people. Socialization among kids is very important. This will help boost his confidence as he grows up.
Tell them stories. Take time to tell stories. Whether it's before bed time or any part of the day, sharing stories with your little one will help develop his grasp of information and comprehension.
Appreciate them. Appreciating them helps boost their confidence.
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