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How To Make Your Own Pore Strips
Posted By: Mr. NeedInstructions
Category: Fashion, Style & Personal Care;
August 8, 2010
Author Michelle Phan;
I love using Pore Strips. To me the best part is looking at the nasty stuff it picks up. Mine always look like a forest of junk! Ewwwwww! Haha. The downside to using Pore Strips is that it can cost quite a lot if you use it regularly. So I wanted to show you how to make your own Pore Strips using 2 ingredients! Unflavored Gelatin and Milk! Pop it in the microwave for 10 seconds! Just watch the video and you'll see how fun and easy it is to make this! It's better than store bought Pore Strips because it doesn't hurt your skin because it's not like glue, it's natural. Also, it reaches all the hard to reach areas on your face. Try it!
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