How To Feed Grass to a Horse
Posted By: teresaschultz; Category: Games & Recreation; May 23, 2009
Author Teresa Schultz;
Many city dwellers have never been close to, or even seen a real live horse. On your next excursion to the countryside, look out for a horse. There is very little that is as satisfying as simply feeding grass to a horse.
Do not go into the horses’ field or enclosure, as even horses can be dangerous.
Call out to the horse in a soft slow medium pitched tone. Loud, harsh sounds will make sure it stays away from you.
Wait for the horse to lift its head and look toward you. Call it again.
Bend over, and pull up a handful of green grass. This action should make the horse curious enough to move closer to you.
Be patient now. Hold the grass out toward the horse.
When the horse gets closer to your outstretched hand, hold your hand with the palm upward, and straighten your fingers, keeping your hand flat, not cupped. Keep your thumb close to the side of your hand.
Pinch one or two blades of grass between your fingers, or it will fall off your hand.
The horse will take the grass from your hand with its lips.
Don’t snatch your hand away. It’s a weird feeling, but great. Give the horse another handful.
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