How to Reduce Stress
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 2, 2008
Author ethernum;
Lets face it, daily life these days can be stressful. There is work, family, relationships, finances, health, worries and concern, etc… The list just goes on. So how can we expect our bodies and minds to deal with this load of thoughts? Stress affects both body and mind, so it is important to keep our stress levels in check.
The first way to reduce stress is to find out what exactly is causing it. As listed above, a number of things can trigger our stress, so try to pin down what is causing yours. By simply knowing where the stress is coming from, you can try to avoid situations in which added stress is a potential. For example, if work is stressful it might be appropriate to avoid talking or thinking about it outside of the workplace. Sure, this can’t always be avoided, but try not to complain about it to friends or spend hours lingering on it before bed. These simple steps can reduce the level of stress experienced by your work situation.

Secondly, know how to relax. So many people these days think that relaxation is the mere act of sitting on the couch watching a movie or TV, or having a meal at home instead of on the go. However, there are actually a great many factors that weigh on how relaxed you actually are. Ever notice how comfortable you feel when wearing your pajamas as opposed to your everyday wear? When you come home from a hard day at work, try slipping into something more comfortable than a restricting pair of slacks or a tight shirt or jacket. Even the smallest thing such as loose clothing can effect how how your body and mind are able to relax.

Additionally, try to go for a couple hours without the sounds of the TV or radio blaring away in the background. Or daily lives are filled with noises, the sounds of other people’s voices, cars, radios, cell phones, the neighbors, the family pet, etc… With so many sounds surrounding you at all times it is easy to feel trapped, or find it hard to concentrate; both things that cause us irritation and stress. Simply finding a quite, peaceful place to rest for even an hour can greatly reduce the stress load on your body.
Believe it or not exercise is an excellent way to relieve stress. Not only is it a fantastic way to stay in shape but this feeling does wonders for our self-image and thus our stress levels as far as personal expectations go. Often we look in the mirror and criticize what we see. We stress over a plan to lose weight, or what to eat, how to tone the tummy or thighs, or how changing our image seems hopeless. A healthy exercise regime can change this. Be realistic about your expectations as well. Not everybody will have the body of a model, but you can be a happy with yourself despite that. Exercising energizes the body and mind and helps you to feel happier and healthier, on top of that added weight loss benefit. As such, the stress of how we’re going to change to become better is lifted and no longer has to be a recurring problem. A simple walk or jog in the park can be enough, if you are low on time. Or, if you can afford the time and money, joining a gym can be a great way to gain the aforementioned benefits as well as be connected with others trying to improve their fitness levels. Either way, exercise is extremely important in stress management. It allows to you release all the tension of the day and feel energized and great about yourself and your body.
Our number five reason is actually a very typical mistake, especially in young people. Time management. As anyone can tell you, packing too many things into the day just causes a whole lot of tension and stress. This is all part of that ‘setting realistic expectations’ deal that was mentioned earlier in tip four. It is important to plan a realistic schedule. Give yourself time to maneuver and relax during the day. Try not to schedule things so tightly that the only time you have to relax is after you return home from a ten hour day. Sleep is simply not enough to reduce and eliminate the stresses plaguing you, so you have to delegate time during the day to wind down and release all the thoughts and worries of the day.

If you aren’t organized, try getting a pocket calendar to keep your daily plans in. Write in any important dates or events of the day and prioritize them. Leave the less important things to do on a day that you aren’t so busy. Don’t try to jam pack everything into a day or run every errand on your list after work. Managing your time wisely and efficiently greatly reduces the amount of stress you put on your body as well as reduces the potential of picking up more.

Obviously, these are only a few ways in which you can reduce stress, but they are extremely easy to work in to one’s daily life. For an additional sense of well being nutrition also plays an important part and can greatly enhance the effects of your stress reduction program. Try working in these simple steps one by one. Seeing the effects won’t take long, and you’ll feel physically and mentally better the sooner you do.

If you feel you have an unusual amount of stress or are unable to pin down the source, try speaking with friends and/or a medical professional should you feel the situation warrants it. Sometimes additional insight is needed in order to find the root of what is causing so much stress.
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