How to Use Different Positions for Successful Breast-Feeding
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 3, 2008
Author ethernum;


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Breast-feeding is a natural, wonderful part of parenting. It's not always easy at first, though, so here are some tips to help get you started.
Get comfortable and relax to stimulate your milk ejection reflex (letdown).
Bring your baby close to your body, and support him or her by placing a hand behind his or her neck and shoulders - avoid gripping your baby's head, especially if it is bruised from a difficult delivery.
Support your breast with one hand, without squeezing too hard, then stroke your baby's cheek or tickle his chin and lips gently (with your nipple or a finger) to make your baby turn his or her head toward you and "root" for your nipple.
Direct your nipple so that it looks like it is pointing up your baby's nose - this will help position the nipple toward your baby's soft palate when he or she latches on.
Make sure your baby's lips are averted (turned out) rather than tucked in against your nipple. Gently avert the lip with a fingertip if necessary.
Unlatch your baby, if your baby has latched on incorrectly, by gently inserting the tip of a finger at the corner of his or her mouth. Reposition your baby and try again.
Once your baby has latched on, check to make sure that his or her nose is clear and not blocked by your breast.
Try the cradle hold, which entails sitting in a chair with several pillows or a nursing pillow on your lap and laying your baby across your lap. Turn your baby so that you are tummy to tummy and latch your baby on, supporting your baby behind the shoulders and neck if necessary.
Opt for the football hold and sit in a chair, with a nursing pillow or regular pillow on your lap. Hold your baby so that his or her feet extend to the side of you, rather than across your body - the position will seem like tucking your baby under your arm.
Support your baby by placing a hand behind his or her shoulders and neck, and latch your baby on by pulling him toward your breast with your supporting arm.
Try to sneak in a little bit of rest and breast-feed lying down on one side, with your bottom arm raised over your head and curled around your baby.
Lay the baby down, facing you, with his or her face at the level of your breast and draw your baby in close to you so that you are tummy-to-tummy. Latch him on, and support your baby with one hand or arm if necessary.
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