How to get rid of bad breath
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 3, 2008
Author ethernum;


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Bad breath can be very embarrassing, it is very important to keep your teeth clean. watch what you eat, because sometimes food does not digest properly, which will leave a bad odor from your stomach. Go to the dentist, to get your teeth professional cleaned.
Cleaning your teeth is very important to good hygiene. Brushing your teeth after every meal, will not leave particles behind that will leave a bad odor in your mouth.
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Watch what you eat, eating the wrong things, will some times not digest properly in your stomach. Eating things like onions, garlic, and spaghetti, will leave your breath smelling very bad, and your teeth with stains on them.
Eating fruits and Vegetables, over time will have your breath, and stomach smelling great, because you are what you eat.
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See a dentist to get your teeth cleaned, and to show you how to properly to brush your teeth.
Always use mouth wash, it will leave your breath smelling great. Remember mouth wash should never take the place of brushing your teeth.
It is very important to keep your colon cleaned, or it will leave a bad odor from your stomach to your mouth. Eating things like fruits and vegatables, does not stay long in your stomach, which over time will leave your skin, and breath, smelling and looking great.
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