How to Eat With Separators in the Mouth
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 3, 2008
Author ethernum;
Separators are tiny rubber bands or springs that your orthodontist places between your back teeth. These separators prepare your mouth for braces by creating a small gap between these teeth. This space allows for the placement of a metal band around your molar, which anchors your braces in your mouth. Although separators are temporary, they can pose a problem when you eat.
Avoid eating sticky foods. Stay away from gum or eat anything that might cling to the separators and pull them out of your mouth.
Eat soft foods when you get separators in your mouth because your teeth may be a bit sore. Stay away from foods that require a lot of chewing.
Ignore the feeling that you have something stuck between your teeth. You can chew normally with the separators in your mouth, but it may take a day or two to get over the feeling that you need to floss between those teeth.
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