How to Be Happy
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 3, 2008
Author ethernum;
We've all had those days, someone cut you off driving down the road, jump in front of you in line when your in a hurry, or you just got up late for a very important meeting. Things like that can ruin a good day, wrong! You don't have to let things get to you, change your mind, change your life!
Why worry over things you have no control over? We all do it though. There are steps we can all take to live happier, healthier lives. I went to the Doctor not to long ago, she was asking personal questions. After answering the questions, she looked at me and said "I bet things like this really get to you, huh?" I looked at her and replied "No, I don't let anything get to me." You could imagine the Doctor's surprise to that answer. After looking over my chart, she wanted to know why I was there, I answered "I haven't seen a Dr. in years, I wanted to just get a check up." You want to make a Doctor laugh, tell them nothings wrong.
It has been proven that worry can not only cause ulcers and pain, but can eat at you like a cancer. It causes high blood pressure, heart disease, as well as many other medical problems. So why do we do it? Everyone has different reasons. But no matter what your reason is, change it today. Do you have children? Raise them to do the same and watch your children grow to healthier adults.
To do this, one only needs to change their set of rules. Don't wake up saying, oh man it's Monday. Wake saying, I'm alive another day! Thank God for it! When someone cuts you off, think this way, maybe there is a reason it happened. My husband got cut off in traffic the other day, you could imagine his choice of words, I told him, don't worry about it, it's no big deal. As he drove down the road, he passed by a wreck, if he had been there 5 minutes earlier, he would have been involved. Thank God he wasn't!
Why let someone steal your joy? We all deal with people on a daily basis. Someone that believes they know more about raising a child, driving a car, so on and so forth. Got in-laws, then you know what I'm saying. Just joking. Anyway, at some point someone says things to us or about us that if we let get to us, steal our joy. Why? Don't let what anyone says to you or about you make one bit of difference! Are you going to go out and by a new car because someone said the color was ugly, no! So why do anything else just because someone else thought it should be done that way.
Do you worry over finances? Hm there are a lot that do. Why do you? Does it give you extra money if you worry about it? No, if it did everyone would be rich. Does it pay your bills? No. So why do you do it. Do something to change it, find a higher paying job(easier said than done), redo your bills; count the whole month up and divide by however many paydays in the month and you know what you need and not to go over, get rid of things you don't need, and if you can't then there's no need in worrying anyway. And beleive me I'm not rich, but I'm not going to make myself sick worrying over something that I can't change either.
Worried because you got more things to do in a day than you have hours in the day? Then do something about it, do what's important and wait on the others for when you have more time. Make a schedule, if cleaning house takes up so much time that you don't have time for anything else, try doing this. Get a timer, work 15 minutes on each room daily, by the end of the week the house should be spotless and it took you maybe 2 hours instead of whatever else you were spending.
My point is to all of this, if you change your outlook on everything, you can enjoy life so much more. Always make arrangements to spend time enjoying the nature around you. If things are to hectic, STOP, and take a deep breathe and ask why am I letting this upset me? No one but you controls your thoughts. If you control your thoughts, you control your universe!
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