How to Cope With Pain, Anxiety, and Depression When You're Sensitive to Weather
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 3, 2008
Author ethernum;
Ever heard someone say, "my arthritis is acting up with all this rain" ? Or, "my asthma has been terrible with the humidity of the past week." We all know someone who turns into a different person entirely when summer fades to fall and symptoms of seasonal affective disorder set in. Think that it's "all in their heads" ? Read on for more information on weather sensitivity and what can be done to cope with it.
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UNDERSTAND WEATHER SENSITIVITY: Those who suffer with muscle pain (such as fibromyalgia), joint pain (arthritis), asthma, anxiety, depression or migraines; all may well find their symptoms worsening in shifts in humidity, barometric pressure, cold, excess heat, or in seasonal changes where the day's amount of light begins to shorten.
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FOR IRRITABILITY and TENSION with weather changes: -Try mood enhancing activities such as tai chi, yoga, meditation, vigorous exercise. -Find other activities that relax you: Massage, listening to soothing music, walking, herbal teas and baths.
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FOR SEASONAL CHANGES in mood: the "blues" or seasonal affective disorder: -Get as much sunlight as you can. A minimum of 15 minutes of sun exposure is required to help quell the "blues", anxiety, or to keep depression at bay. For some, a full spectrum light box is necessary. -St. John's Wort, the herb, is useful in alleviating mild to moderate depressive symptoms. -Kava kava, the herb, is useful for anxious, worrisome thoughts. Kava is also a muscle relaxant. -Passionflower and chamomile, both are gentle herbs, that soothe the irritated nervous system. -Tanning beds often help wintertime blues sufferers. -Epsom salt, or magnesium salt, baths help the body to get more magnesium which is required by all systems of the body to maintain balance.
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FOR PAIN RELIEF: -Feverfew, when taken over the course of several months, is effective at reducing the frequency of migraine headache. -Butterbur is also effective for migraine prevention. -Cayenne pepper preparations help to soothe the pain of muscles and joints. It is often found in arthritis formulas. -Wintergreen and ginger are also effective for pain relief. -Epsom salt, or magnesium salt, baths soothe and relax.
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FOR BREATHING DIFFICULTIES: -Consider using ephedra products (see physician on potential side effects.) -Flax and borage seed oils may help with asthma attacks. -Inhaling oils of eucalyptus, and thyme may help ease asthma. -Be aware of indoor air quality.
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