How to Prevent Migraines Without Using Medications
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 3, 2008
Author ethernum;
Migraine is a genetic neurological disease that is characterized by severe, recurring head pain, usually located on one side of the head. It is associated with following symptoms: nausea; vomiting; increased sensitivity to light, sound and smell; lightheadedness; diarrhea; and scalp tenderness. Whether you take preventive medications or not, you may benefit from some lifestyle changes that may help reduce the number and severity of migraines. Here are some tips on how to prevent those migraines:
Don't skip any meals, also try to eat at the same time everyday or as close as you can. Avoid food that may trigger migraines: cow's milk, chocolate, egg, orange, benzoic acid, cheese, tartrazine (yellow food dye), MSG, red wine, dark color liquor, nutrasweet/aspartame. Include magnesium dietary supplements, vitamin B (B6 or B complex), 5-HTP, Omega 6, Coenzyme Q10, and/or feverfew herbal extract. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables.
Relax. There is evidence that perfectionist types are more prone to get migraines. Read more in my article "How to reduce stress in a healthy way"
Be conscious of your posture. If you are constantly walking with your head down or even slightly bent you put stress on your back and neck. Tighten abdominal muscles to support your rib cage. Stretch your back (you can use exercise ball), chest, hamstrings. Do not overload yourself with a heavy bag worn over one shoulder. Take breaks from the computer.
Establish regular sleep hours. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time, every day even on your days off. If you nap, keep it short (no more than an hour). Do not eat heavy meals and drink coffee or alcohol before bedtime. Don't watch TV in your bedroom, rather read a book.
Exercise moderately over the week. During physical activity, the body releases certain chemicals that blocks pain signals to your brain and helps with depression or anxiety that may increase the occurrences of migraines. Try walking, swimming, yoga or biking.
Breathe deeply. High doses of oxygen are effective in treating cluster headaches and migraines. Deep breathing will help you relax.
Avoid allergens. For some people, chocolate, milk, aged cheese, processed foods or red wine can set off migraines. Watch out during allergy season. Environmental allergies may set off migraines too. Consult an allergy doctor if you suspect these triggering your migraines.
Remember about common triggers: * Alcohol (especially red wine) * Environmental factors (weather, time zone changes, seasonal allergens) * Foods that contain caffeine (coffee, chocolate), monosodium glutamate (MSG; found in Chinese food), and nitrates (processed foods) * Hormonal changes in women * Hunger * Lack of sleep * Perfume and strong smells * Stress
Do not get dehydrated! Always keep a bottle of water with you to hydrate yourself when you feel thirsty.
Biofeedback therapy: Look for a certified biofeedback practitioner to learn how to reduce pain with a relaxation techniques.
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