How to give yourself a shoulder massage
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 3, 2008
Author ethernum;


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As a massage therapist, I encountered many clients who suffered shoulder/neck pain everyday. Pain caused by long days sitting in front of a computer or long periods of time behind the wheel. No matter the cause, these simple methods will help you to relieve some or all of your pain. Is also great for headaches, back pain, and prevention for all of the above.
Choose where you would like to sit. It should be comfortable, with a soft back, and the back should be higher than your shoulders.
Most problems with tight and painful neck and shoulders occurs from a "knot" in and around the shoulder blade muscles. The object is to apply static pressure to tender spots in this area. This allows the problem muscle to relax and the knot to melt away. Thus, easing your pain. Place the tennis ball between your shoulder blade and spine (being sure to avoid the spine). Closer to the shoulder blade will most likely be the right spot.
Gently lean back. You may need to adjust the placement of the ball several times before finding the tender area. Once you find an area that is tender, "hurts" (although you don't want to cause yourself more pain, so be careful) or that can be felt in other areas such as jaw, arm, elbow and often in the head, you have found a "knot".
You'll want to continue applying pressure to this area for several minutes. If it gets to be "too much" , simply remove the ball and take a break. Moving your back against the ball, allowing the ball to roll, will also help reach larger areas as well as using 2 or 3 tennis balls placed in an old sock held closed by rubber band.
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