How to Avoid and Cure Bladder Infection
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 3, 2008
Author ethernum;
They can be irritating and sometimes extremely painful. You feel like you have to urinate constantly and when you get to the bathroom nothing comes out. It is a condition that affects at least 40% of all women in their lifetime. It is called bladder infection and it is a problem that can cause some women to suffer from chronic infection. They are caused by a bacterial infection and are actually infections of the urine. Here are hints on how to avoid and treat them.
Drink cranberry juice. It is known to have a curative effect because it contains quinolic acid which converts to hippuric acid. This along with vitamin C has a bacterial killing effect. It will not cure the infection, but it will help.
Take aspirin or ibuprofen for their anti-inflammatory effect. This helps with the inflammation of the bladder.
Wear cotton underwear, and keep away from tight clothing that may lock in bacteria.
Do not use tampons. Use pads and change often.
Wipe from front to back to prevent contamination.
Do not use a diaphragm if you are prone to infections. Bacteria may build up around it and cause chronic infection.
Do not douche. It will kill friendly bacteria that will naturally kill the bad stuff.
Keep your vaginal area very clean, but do not use anti bacterial soaps. These also kill beneficial bacteria.
Drink a lot of water and other fluids to flush the contaminated urine. The more you drink the better.
Take hot baths. It helps the pain. Stay away from bubble baths though. They can introduce bacteria.
See a doctor and get an antibiotic if necessary. Because of the overuse of antibiotics this should be used as a last resort.
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