How to Increase Calcium And Prevent Osteoporosis Naturally
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 3, 2008
Author ethernum;


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Bone density is a hot topic these days, and protecting and strengthening our bones are important as diagnosed cases of osteoporosis continue to rise. Bone loss is usually greatest in the spine, hips and ribs. Nearly one third of women and one sixth of men will fracture their hips in their lifetimes, which results in death in 12-20% of cases.
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Calcium supplements can slow the rate of bone loss by 30-50%. However, we absorb nutrients better from food than from supplements, so the wisest thing to do is to make sure we are getting plenty of calcium rich foods in our diets along with supplementation of calcium.
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Vitamin D stimulates the absorption of calcium. Get 15 minutes a day of sunshine and talk to your doctor about possible supplementation along with magnesium and boron.
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Coffee, alcohol and smoking negatively affects bone health and are associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis
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Drinking soft drinks is a major factor that contributes to bone loss. The acid in soda washes the enamel off of teeth, and depletes calcium from bones.
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Weight bearing exercise is excellent for bone strengthening, consider taking up aerobic exercise, yoga, or weight training.
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Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, collard greens, broccoli, parsely, etc., offer significant protection against osteoporosis. These foods have a wide range of vitamins, minerals that are important to maintaining healthy bones such as calcium, vitamin K1, and boron.
Other good sources of calcium include asparagus, oats, whole wheat, and fresh green peas. Sesame seeds are also a great source when pulverized, grind into tahini and use on salads, veggies, etc.
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Canned salmon and sardines are excellent sources of calcium as well. More sources include: Sea vegetables (see my article on how to incorporate into your diet) Almonds Beans Quinoa
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A great way to utilizie calcium is when making homemade soup stock. Use meat which is still on the animal bones and add some kind of acid such as lemon juice or vinegar in the soup stock. Let simmer for hours so the acid has plenty of time to work itself into the bones and leach out the calcium. Throw in some sea vegetables as well while simmering.
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Drink green tea. Research from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition showed them women aged 70 to 85 who were regular tea drinkers had more hip bone mineral density compared to non tea drinkers.
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