How to Minimize and Treat Shock caused by Trauma
Posted By: ethernum; Category: Health; November 3, 2008
Author ethernum;


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First learn how to identify the symptoms. A person who is in shock will usually have a weak, rapid pulse, and cold & clammy skin. They may become anxious, confused drowsy, or even unconscious. They're breathing may become shallow. Shock usually occurs after a bleeding wound, fracture, or major burn. Someone who's in shock requires immediate medical attention.
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Lay the victim down and use something to elevate their legs about one foot above their head, unless they are vomiting.
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Be sure to loosen any tight clothing (socks, shoes, shirt, pants etc.), then wrap the victim in a coat or blanket. Call for help. The injured party requires immediate medical attention. Assure the person suffering from shock that help is on the way.
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Remember not to give the victim anything to eat or drink, unless it will be several hours before help can reach you. If that's the case then only give a person who is conscious anything to drink.
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