What to do if you get into a car wreck?
Posted By: shahyan; Category: Legal; November 13, 2008
Author Shahyan;
If you get into a car-wreck, here is what you need to know
Do not panic. If you panic, the other party make take advantage of you and blame you for what may not be your fault.
Go through the series of events of what led to the car-wreck. The sooner you get your facts straight the better.
Check on the other driver to make sure he or she is okay.
Call the police if:
1. The accident is serious.
2. You or the other driver is hurt.
3. You are blocking traffic.
4. There is a disagreement about whose fault it was.
5. The other driver is angry and you fear your safety.
Exchange insurance information and driver license numbers. Do not take this step lightly. Even if you are at fault, or if there is no damage to your car. If the other party files a claim against you with their insurance company, you must know their insurance information, too.
Always carry a disposible camera with you in your glove-compartment. You do not want the other driver taking a baseball bat to his bumper and then claiming that it was your fault. If you have the pictures, you only pay for damages that you caused.
If you are hurt, see a doctor. Go see a doctor even if you feel the pain some-time after leaving the scene of the accident. Often times, your adrenaline will take care of the pain during the time immediately following the wreck. If you go home and feel that you are hurt due to the accident, you must seek medical assistance.
Keep your insurance company informed of all of the events.
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