How to have an organized closet
Posted By: ava; Category: Miscellaneous; November 3, 2008
Author Ava A.;


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Nobody would want to deal with a messy closet. Here are surefire ways on how to keep your closets neat and organized.
Put everything which you haven’t worn in the last 6 months out. Don’t hold on too much. Everything unused should be out of your way.
Arrange by attire purpose. All business tops should be in one place. Your badminton shirts should be in one group as well.
Arrange by colors. In every “attire group,” arrange all your pieces by color.
Put gowns or dresses in a box. Gowns and dresses which you’ve used in your sister’s wedding 2 years ago should be placed inside a box.
Use the same color of hanger. Using the same hanger color could make your closet look neat and organized.
Take pictures of your shoes. Post the pictures on every shoebox you have.
Arrange your bags by color. Doing so would make it easier for you to grab your choice.
Clean your closet at least every month. Maintain cleanliness in your closet to keep it organized.
Give all unused clothing to charity or rummage. You might as well share all unused stuff to the needy.
Don’t be too impulsive when shopping. Stop buying thing you don’t really need. Limit your shopping.
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