How To Avoid Parvo
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; November 20, 2008
Author StacyH;
Parvo is a highly contagious canine virus. It can live dormant on surfaces and in dirt for months. It is especially risky for puppies and can be fatal. There are steps to minimize the risk.
When getting a new puppy check for signs of good health. A skinny, listless, dehydrated puppy or signs and smells of diarrhea should be red flags.
Take a new puppy for a Veterinary check up and initial deworming and shots.
Do not take a puppy or unvaccinated dog to a dog park or area where other sick puppies are or might have been.
Do not let your new puppy roam or be around other dogs of uncertain health status.
If your puppy develops diarrhea; especially if it is excessive or there is blood in the stool, take it immediately to a Veterinarian.
Keep a sick puppy isolated and do not let it eliminate waste in areas where other dogs could be present.
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