How To Deal With That Mysterious Lump on Your Cat or Rabbit
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; November 21, 2008
Author StacyH;
Many times cat or rabbit owners take their pets in to the Vet when they find a large mysterious lump or knot on the animals flank or back. What is it?
You find a large lump or knot on your cat or rabbit that seems to be under the skin. It is firm to the touch but you see no obvious injury or signs of illness.
Gently probe the animals fur near the top or center of the lump and feel for a small knot or scab.
Carefully pull away the scab and fur immediately around the scab. If the lump is actually an abcess, it may start to ooze puss, serum or blood.
You can gently press the abcess once it is open and get out the gross discharge. An abcess is caused by infection developing under the skin, usually from a scratch or puncture wound caused by another animal. Sometimes abcesses develop around pellets when an animal has been shot.
Clean the area with a disinfectant like Betadine or Peroxide. If the abcess is small and drains easily and your pet behaves at its normal activity level, you may want to keep it open and clean and watch a day or two to see if it heals.
If you are concerned, you should have your pet seen by a Veterinarian. Rabbits often develop infections that they cannot recover from. If an abcess is caught early, antibiotics may help the rabbit recover. Cats can heal better from small abcesses, but if it is large, has a great deal of discharge, or there is a very foul odor, you should probably see a Vet.
If the abcess refills or continues to drain, take your pet to a Veterinarian for treatment.
Remember that Veterinary treatment is the best, but if you prefer home treatment or cannot afford Vet bills, there are first aid treatments you can attempt at home.
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