How To Set Up a Simple Fresh Water Aquarium
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; November 21, 2008
Author StacyH;
A modest sized fresh water aquarium can be relatively inexpensive to start and easy to maintain. It is fairly easy to enjoy an aquarium without having to be a full time fish enthusiast.
Pick a spot for a 20 gallon tank that is near an outlet and will not be in direct sunlight. It is also best not to place it where a little water would do a lot of damage in case you ever have a spill while cleaning it.
Purchase all your supplies well before buying fish. You'll need a tank, some gravel, a little "furniture" and or plants, and a filter system. The least expensive and easiest to use filter is an external power filter that hangs over the top edge of the tank and has a tube that extends down into the tank. Make sure it is the right size for the gallons in your tank.
Set up your tank and fill it with tap water. Go ahead and start the filter and let it run for about 24 hours before adding fish. Be sure to read the directions and set the filter system up properly.
Choose fish that work well as tank mates. Usually likely tank mates are listed by the store or a pet store owner or manager can tell you which work well together. Start with a few fish and add slowly to your collection. Stress and disease can kill off the whole group if you start with too many at a time.
Don't overfeed your fish and keep your filter and tank clean and your tank can be a beautiful accessory to your home or office for years.
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