How To Determine and Treat Bloat in Rabbits
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; November 22, 2008
Author StacyH;
Too much rich food can give your bunny rabbit a bad case of gas. Bloat is painful and can even be fatal for bunny.
Check bunny by carefully squeezing his belly. If he has been hunched up and looking miserable, and his belly feels firm and round, he probably has bloat or gas.
Discontinue all treats and green and fresh foods and give bunny pellet food in modest amounts.
Keep bunny warm and if he is not eating, drinking or moving about much, take him to a Veterinarian immediately.
Bloat can occur suddenly and can be confused with GI blockages. Tell your Vet you suspect bloat. You may want to request an abdominal xray. If your bunny seems to be in pain, he should be given something to ease it.
DO NOT give bicarbonate of soda. This is an old remedy that has proven to be harmful.
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