How To Introduce A New Cat To Your Old Cat
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; November 22, 2008
Author StacyH;
If you have a cat or cats in your household and want to bring in another cat, there is a right way and a wrong way to introduce a new cat into the territory of entrenched residents.
Bring the new cat in a secure carrier that the cat can remain in for awhile. Know that an unaltered male cat may not accept another cat into its home and two unaltered males will certainly fight. Neutered cats will co-habitate better.
Put the new cat where the other cat can approach the carrier, but don't put the new cat close to the other's eating and typical sleeping areas.
Don't feed the new cat without feeding the "old" cat.
Give them time to get used to each other before letting the new cat out.
Allow the cats to "meet and greet" in neutral territory if possible. Possibly let tne new cat out in a room the other cat(s) doesn't frequent and leave it to explore for a bit. Then allow the old cat to enter the room with the new cat. Do not put the new cat into a room where the old cat is already comfortable.
Be careful about intervention if the cats start to posture or vocalize. You don't want to get hurt and they may be more likely to fight if you are present. Allow one or the other cats the opportunity to retreat - like back into the carrier.
Provide seperate food bowls and separate litter boxes until the cats become more comfortable with each other.
Allow a few days at least, before you give up on introducing a new cat into your home. Cats can take some time to warm up to the idea of sharing space, but if they see they are not threatened they will usually adjust to one another and even become friendly companions.
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