How To Keep Your Hermit Crab's Habitat Clean
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; November 24, 2008
Author StacyH;
Keeping your hermies' terrarium-like habitat is important for discouraging mold, slime, mites, and other bugs attracted to a messy, moist environment.
Regularly wash out water dishes and sponges. Since crabs use their dish to drink and bathe, it is necessary to dump and wipe out the dish. If you provide pieces of sponge to facilitate humidity and assist smaller crabs in climbing out of the water, these need to be washed out. They should be boiled for a few minutes if they get smelly or slimey.
Sift the substrate and remove any food debris and waste. Be careful not to disturb any crab that might be buried. A molting crab out of its shell is very vulnerable.
Keep substrate moist but not wet and soggy. Remove soggy substrate and replace it.
Clean and disinfect entire tank if it becomes infested. If your hermies' home becomes infested with mites, fungus or is just filthy, clean it completely. Discard all substrate, remove all furniture and disinfect by boiling. Wipe tank out thoroughly to remove all dirt, debris and bugs - especially from corners. Gently dip each crab in warm (not hot) de-chlorinated water. Turn each over to allow water to fill and wash out shell. Don't submerge crab for more than a few seconds. Place crab on warm, dry towel. Dry everything and replace substrate.
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