How To Have Fun With a Hermit Crab
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; November 24, 2008
Author StacyH;
A healthy hermit crab is an active hermit crab. In the wild they climb, take long walks, chirp with one another, and have fun sampling all sorts of foods. If you provide recreation and diversion for your hermit crabs you will find they are a lot more fun than goldfish.
Provide a crabitat large enough for your crabs to move about. A bit of open space for scurrying around, something to climb on, and many beautiful turban shells to try out make for a nice hermie home.
Provide bits of fresh foods for your hermie to try. Crabs are foragers and the same pellet food day after day will be boring.
Take your crab out every now and then. Lift your hermie carefully by the back of the shell and don't hold him up too high or move too fast.
Offer hermie a bit of fresh food treat when you get him out and he may learn to trust you and perk up when you show up!
If hermie ever pinches you, don't make any sudden moves. Hold him securely and still and he will usually let go. Try laying your hand on a surface that he can climb off to. If he won't let go, gently rinse him under a bit of warm water and he will let go. Don't drop him!
Find a safe, clean surface for your hermies to race around and explore together.
For larger crabs, try a small animal exercise ball.
Make sure it's clean, that his legs don't get stuck, and that you don't accidentally kick it.
Watch hermies in their crabitat after dark. Use low light and quietly watch them scurry, scritch, chirp, climb and dig.
Every now and then, maybe monthly or weekly at most, mist your crabs with warm water treated with Stress Coat. This sometimes gets them going. Let them dry off before going back into their crabitat.
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