How To Treat For Fleas
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; November 24, 2008
Author StacyH;
There are many products to treat for fleas, some more effective than others. Some treatments are also more toxic or irritating than others. Here are some basic steps to help ward off an infestation.
Plan to treat your pets and your home on the same day. Treating only the pets may just leave them vulnerable to reinfestation from the environment.
Consider products recommended by or available from your Veterinarian for maximum effectiveness.
Consider natural products for your pets' and family's health, but keep in mind that these may require more treatments and may be less effective. Find a balance you are comfortable with.
Keep grass around your house cut short to minimize bugs in the yard. Fleas and ticks thrive in brush and undergrowth.
Be sure to treat pet bedding or areas where they frequent - both inside and outside.
Brush or comb pets after they've been outside; especially after a run in the woods or tall grass, to remove fleas and eggs.
Vacuum more frequently during flea season and discard the bag in outside garbage immediately so fleas don't escape back into the house. An alternative is to put a flea collar in the bag to kill fleas.
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