How To Feed Your Iguana
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; November 25, 2008
Author StacyH;
Wild iguanas eat mostly foilage, but captive iguanas will eat almost anything. Providing the right balance of foods will ensure good health and longeviity; whereas, too much of the wrong foods create many health problems for captive iguanas.
You can buy commercially prepared iguana food that will provide a balanced diet. You will enjoy your pet more and your pet will probably be happier if you at least supplement with fresh foods.
Feed these greens very sparingly or not at all, lettuce (all types), spinach, and cabbage (and related greens like kale or brussel sprouts).
Provide adult iguanas no more than 2% animal protein in their diet. An occasional bit of dog or cat food or insects like crickets or mealworms is plenty, as iguanas are primarily herbivores. Baby iguanas can benefit from the easily assimilated protein and may have up to 5% animal protein.
Provide greens for 75% of an iguana's diet. Some example of greens good for iguanas are, collard, turnip and mustard greens; parsley/cilantro, carrot and turnip tops, dandelion leaves, mulberry leaves.
Orange vegetables should make up about 10 to 15% of the diet. Carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, etc, should be lightly cooked and chopped or grated.
High protein vegetables can make up about 5 to 10% - beans, corn, lentils and legumes.
Fruits should make up only about 5 or 10% of the diet.
A vitamin supplement specifically for iguanas is never a bad idea. Particularly to ensure the proper amount of vitamin D is provided.
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