How To Bathe Your Pet Rat
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; November 26, 2008
Author StacyH;
Rats groome themselves and each other like cats do, but now and then they may become a little stinky and need a bath; especially musky males. Here's how to do it safely without traumatizing your pet.
Get your supplies together ahead of time.
Usa a gentle baby shampoo or a natural pet shampoo. Some pet stores even carry shampoos specifically for small rodents.
Fill a shallow sink or container with warm water. Running water near your rat will probably frighten it. Make sure the water is not too hot.
Have one or two small towels handy.
Hold your pet securely with both hands and carefully lower into the warm water. Do not immerse the rat's head or get water in its ears or nose.
Lift it out of the water and either hold it or set it on a towel and apply a small amount of shampoo. Lather and work the shampoo in all over except around the rat's face.
Dip the rat back into the water and gently rub and rinse the shampoo. If you can't thoroughly rinse with the one tub of water, let the rat stand on a towel (if it will) or wrap it up and hold it securely while you change the water.
Once your pet is thoroughly rinsed, wrap it in a dry towel to get it mostly dry and avoid chills.
Put your rat in a clean, dry cage for it to finish drying and grooming itself.
Don't bathe your rat frequently or it can cause irritation and dry skin. Don't bathe a rat with any signs of respiratory illness.
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