How To Deal with Rodent Mites and Lice
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; November 26, 2008
Author StacyH;
What is causing the scabs and lesions on your little pet and can it be cured?
Always keep your pet's cage clean and use clean bedding.
Don't introduce a new pet without keeping it in guarantine for awhile to watch for problems or taking it to the Vet for a checkup.
Bathe your pet and thoroughly clean its cage and furniture if you suspect an infestation. Use bleach to clean the cage and kill bugs. Wash in hot water or freeze bedding and furniture. Toss wood furniture or toys in the cage because bugs can hide in these.
Clean and disinfect the cage again in a few days and maybe a third time to kill all bugs at every stage of development.
Consult your Veterinarian for a safe topical or oral medication if your pet has scabs, bald patches, or other skin problems.
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