How To House and Feed a Pet Hedgehog
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; November 26, 2008
Author StacyH;
A hedgehog isn't hard to keep and makes a fascinating and curious little pet. Here is what you need to get ready to bring home a hedgehog.
Buy a large cage with a solid bottom tray. A cage large enough for a guinea pig or small rabbit should be adequate. A wire bottom could hurt the hedgehog's feet.
Provide an solid surface exercise wheel for your hedgehog.
Buy just about any litter for the bottom of the cage that you prefer, except cedar chips which contain harmful aromatic oils.
Provide something for the hedgehog to hide in or under. A hiding toy suitable for a large rodent should work.
Get a large water bottle and a food dish.
Find a warm place in your house to keep your hedgehog's home. They don't like chilly weather.
Feed a varied diet high in protein, low in fat, and with a fair amount of fiber. A mix of dry cat and dog foods mixed with about 10% of high fiber foods like dry oatmeal, beans, brown rice, etc. usually works. Your hedgehog might even like to try mealworms and crickets now and then.
A single dry food will often lead to some sort of nutritional deficiency.
Provide safe toys for exploring, pushing, and gnawing as hedgehogs are curious and intelligent little creatures.
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