How To Teach Your Dog to Speak or Sing
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; December 2, 2008
Author StacyH;
He may not say "mama" but with some patience and practice you can teach your dog to speak and maybe even sing.
The best way to connect the word with the action is to catch your dog doing what you want repeated and say the command. For example, every time your dog lets out a short bark, say "Speak!"
If your dog whines excitedly when you get out the sliced ham, say "Sing!" every time.
As your dog begins to connect the word with the action you can reinforce it with praise and a treat.
Try the command before the dog barks or whines. Repeat it several times (without other cofusing words) and show the dog a treat. It will slowly catch on and the treat is motivation for figuring out what you want, so he can get it.
When the dog speaks on command, give it the treat immediately and praise the dog. If your dog is not catching on, try using and giving the command word in the same place and during the same activity each day. For example, just before you feed him his dinner, pause and if he barks, say "Speak" and then feed him. If he always whines while you cook, practice "sing" everyday in that situation until he gets it and will sing on command.
Be patient and practice frequently until he learns the command. It takes some dogs longer than others, but it can be done.
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