How To Teach Your Dog "Down"
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; December 2, 2008
Author StacyH;
First teach your dog to sit, then progress to the next step.
First teach your dog to sit and make sure he is adept at this command.
After "sit" gently lower the dogs front legs out so he is in the sphinx position and point to the ground in front of him and say "down".
After several demonstrations, if the dog is cooperative, use "sit" then point and say "down" before lowering the dog yourself.
Repeat, repeat, repeat. Practice regularly so the dog can begin to associate the word and the action.
Once your dog responds to "sit" and then "down"(point), praise him and give him a small treat even if he stays only briefly.
Once he is getting it well, you can progress to skipping "sit" and just using a firm "down" and point. Praise as always. Do not scold your dog when he fails to go down. Just lay him down in the righ position if possible and repeat the word and gesture.
If you offer the dog a treat after a successful "down" response, you may try holding the treat for a second or two and offering after he stays down for a bit. Stand still over the dog with your hand pointing down and don't dangle or show the treat. He probably knows it's there. The trick is to progress toward getting him to wait a little longer each time for the treat.
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