How To Fence Goats
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; December 2, 2008
Author StacyH;
Goats can be stubborn and single-minded in their pursuit of greener pastures. Proper fencing is required.
Plan your space and how much fencing feet you will need to provide enough grazing and romping space for the number of goats you ultimately hope to have. Goats won't do well in a small pen. They need room.
If you are thinking of hogwire, use field fence that starts with small squares at the bottom that get bigger as you go up the fencing. Use 6 foot high fencing. Regular spaced hogwire is sometimes big enough to allow some goats to get their head through. A goat can then be caught by its horns or caught by its stubborn nature and refusal to back up.
If expense is no object, use cyclone fencing. It is sturdy, keeps heads out, and is more difficult for a particularly adventurous goat to climb.
Identify the leader. Goats are pack animals and every pack has a leader. The other goats will usually follow the leader. If your leader can't get out or doesn't, odds are good that the followers will stick around.
If your goats seem ready to climb, you will probably have to add barbed wire across the top of the fence, or more effective, electric wire. Sometimes two strands of electric wire, one at about two feet and one near the top are needed.
Consider whether or not dogs or coyotes can get into your fence. Goats are very attractive to coyotes and sometimes large, roaming dogs.
Donkeys are known to protect goats against predators, just make sure it isn't an aggressive donkey because it could playfully injure a goat.
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