How To Train Your Cat to Use a Scratching Post and Not The Sofa
Posted By: Stacyh; Category: Pets; December 2, 2008
Author StacyH;
How to get your cat to use a scratching post and keep it from choosing your sofa or grandpa's favorite recliner.
Get an appropriate scratching pad or post in place before kitty chooses a place of her own. Cats mark their spots with their scent and return to their favorite places over and over. Sisal posts or the back side of a piece of carpet is attractive to cats. The scratching place must be firm and stable. If it moves around or falls kitty won't like it.
If kitty is already using the furniture or new Berber carpet, use a deterrent and provide an alternate scratching spot. Use a citrus scented spray or cover the offended furniture with foil or double-sided tape.
Consider having more than one scratching post or place and put them in all of kitty's favorite places. Having a place to scratch and stretch near her favorite napping spots is ideal.
Pet or play with kitty next to her scratching post so she will begin to make pleasant associations and know that its her place. Don't force your cat on the scratching post, this will only scare and offend kitty. Cats don't respond well to punishment or coercion.
Rub a little catnip on the scratching place to attract kitty's attention or set a small treat on it.
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