Browse Instructions

How to Use Daniels Personal Auto Care Products
Posted By: DanielNegron1;
Category: Automotive, Boating, Trucking & Transportation;
October 16, 2012
Author Daniel Negron;
This instruction will infrom the user how to use Daniels personal auto care products.
Put one capful of the DPACP soap into a 5 gallon bucket and fill it 3/4 of the way with warm water. Set the bucket aside.
Hose any excess dirt off the car, beginning at the roof and working down to the tires.
Lather a sponge or terry cloth rag in the bucket of soapy water and sponge the roof of the car. Spray off excess soap when the entire roof has been cleaned.
Repeat for all four sides of the car, washing one full side including windows, fenders and tires and rinsing completely before going to the next side.
Rinse and dry.
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