Craftsman Electric Chain Saw Sharpener
In: Home Improvement & Gardening; Asked By: wabmyers; 2010-07-02 13:29:11
Have an electric chain saw sharpener but no instructions. It's a Craftsman model 315-36574. Called Sears but they couldn't help me.
  • posted by: wabmyers; 2010-07-06 13:17:58

    The electric chain saw sharpener has a manual number; 2-620283-989. When I contacted, they did not have the manual. I have no idea how old this product is. The model number is 315-36574.
  • posted by: Mr. NeedInstructions; 2010-07-05 15:02:13

    Hello wabmyers -

    Thank you for your request in trying to find an instruction on your Craftsman Electric Chain Saw Sharpener. It seems we have a problem with your request. While we tried to contact Sears and Craftsman they have notified us that they where unable to find your product. Do you know if this is an actual Craftsman product? Do you know how old the product is? Is this a new product? If you can answer these questions, this would better help our staff and members help find your instruction.

    In the mean time here is a Chicago Electric Chainsaw Sharpener Service Manual Model 93213 that might be of some help.

    Mr. NeedInstructions - Instructions, Manuals, and How To's On Just About Everything Out There!